19 Dezember 2005

winter in vienna

well, what can i tell you? december has been hard on daruman. while in the course of the month the general feeling of loneliness following his moving to vienna gradually subsided (at the same rate japanology home parties increased in frequency), daruman has experienced how the yearning for one beloved person can influence your motivation for, well, almost everything (e.g. composing blog entries...). he is starting to deal quite well with these new feelings, though, and is now looking forward to spending some time in switzerland. by getting away from the horrible viennese weather (the wind!) and meeting his "old" friends and family daruman hopes to clear the access to his well of motivation (and possibly fill some buckets just in case) to make sure he can take on the desert road to the examinations due in january.

diesen eintrag auf deutsch lesen!
