08 November 2005


as you might remember, daruman recently complained about the rather high frequency of official catholic holidays in austria. until a few days ago he was quite unhappy with his timetable at university, as well. that is mainly due to his having absolutely no troubles following the japanese lessons at the institute for japanology (although it must be hell for beginners, and there are many of them!). therefore, all the time he initially had held free to study japanese somehow went wasted. daruman simply did not know what to fill it up with (except watching startrek voyager). until now.

from this day on this weblog will not only inform dear people back home about his doings in far away vienna, but it will itself do its part in daruman's formation as a communications expert and translator, serving as platform and motivation to improve his text production and translation skills in both english and german.
in this first step, daruman starts to write his blog entries alternately in german and english. later on, he plans to start a second blog for the purpose of publishing a translation into the other language of each post of the original blog. and if, in a third stage, his skills in japanese ever come close to those in the other languages (and they should within 4 semesters) he will even provide his interested readers, it is obvious enough, with a translation of his blog in japanese.

so he has plenty to do now. support his efforts by posting loads of interesting comments. it is the best motivation he can get to keep writing. and unlike him, you may do it in every language you like...

diesen beitrag auf deutsch lesen!



Anonymous Anonym said...

Holá como estas? como vas tu espagnol?No puede ser que el daruman no sabe que va hacer en este ciudad interessante Vienna. Conoces la musica de Vienna, Dorfmeister o la vienna scientists? Lo siento my espagnol es un poco caotico.
hasta luego beni

Mittwoch, 09 November, 2005  

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