16 November 2005

remedy against homesickness

sports. football, that is. although it did not feel like the real thing, of course, watching the crucial match switzerland vs. turkey in the 2006 world cup qualification's relegation on a german channel (yeah, it is actually possible to miss beni turnheer's commentary) sitting on a couch in austria. but hey, football connects the world.

on the other hand, living in vienna is certainly working in daruman's favor when it comes to his in dept knowledge of the german language. together with the little detour to german drama schools and his being a native speaker of the swiss german standard studying in austria completes daruman's experience with language use in all centers of the german speaking community.

germans often describe the austrian standard as cute because of their frequent use of diminutive suffixes in nouns (e.g. -erl) , whereas to austrians germans in their way of speaking sound quite arrogant. as a result, some austrians seem to suffer from an inferiority complex regarding their language. an acclaimed and much celebrated rivalry exists here comparable to the feelings between speakers of different dialects in switzerland.

something daruman's professor in german communication will have to explain him soon: what is that swiss german standard supposed to be anyway? daruman knows, of course, that it is bernese, but he would like to have it confirmed by an austrian expert on german standards...

diesen beitrag auf deutsch lesen!



Anonymous Anonym said...

Hallo Sohn!
Schön, dass Du mitgelitten hast. - Ich selbst hab während einer Supervision in der Pause zwischendurch mal im Radio mitgehört. - Mach's gut, C.

Mittwoch, 16 November, 2005  

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