13 Juli 2007

off-track japan

i rounded off my stay in tokyo tonight by witnessing a 3:0 win of the yomiuri giants over the hiroshima carps at the tokyo dome. yeah, i've seen more thrilling baseball games on tv but it was worth the live experience.

tomorrow i'm off to takato to my mountain farm. i do not know much about what is awaiting me there. only that as a group leader in a international survival camp i will be in charge of ten japanese school children. i'm actually looking forward to this sheer uncertainty, it's what i live for essentially, improvisational theater and all. i'm more worried about the weather. in a mail to all staff members the organiser admitted that there was a taifoon forecast for saturday and sunday...

i hope i will be able to keep you posted about my adventures in rural japan!



Anonymous Anonym said...

Hallo mein Lieber! - Also, dann verabschiede ich mich mal von Dir, bis Du wieder ein Netz-Kontakt hast (nach suvival und Taifun etc.). Ich wünsch Dir viel Spass mit den 10 kleinen Japanesen. Gruss, C&A

Freitag, 13 Juli, 2007  

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