14 September 2006


but riobamba is a nice place. people are nice. the girl at the counter of that grocery store smiles a bit sweeter everytime you drop by to pick up a new bottle of water. the waiters working at the restaurant nearby do not even blink when you order just a little rice with carrot or spaghetti bolognese without the bolognese. the receptionist sends you to his doctor of confidence straight away, when you ask for the opening hours of the medical center.

oh, darn! daruman is always trying to draw the positive picture, isn't he. look at the title of this post! here is ecuador lying at daruman's feet with all the wonders of its beautiful nature and so little time remaining for him to still explore it a little further.
slaves of our bodies we are, they say. and of cable television, too. at least daruman is.

tommorrow daruman is off. no matter how bad he feels. got his medication now. and there are doctors in every city of ecuador. just not another day of this laying-around-in-comfortable-hotel-rooms-feeling-lonely-stuff.

bus rides cannot kill you. daruman knows that. at least when they are short-distance.



Anonymous Anonym said...

hey du!
gehts dir inzwischen wieder besser? sorry, dass ich mich solang net gemeldet hab. mir gehts gut, hier hat gestern die wiesn (sorry, für nicht-bayern: das oktoberfest, angefangen) und ich werd mich morgen oder so mal in mein neu-erstandenes dirndl schwingen und die wiesn unsicher machen!
komm gut wieder heim, dickes knuddel
die conny

Sonntag, 17 September, 2006  

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