11 Mai 2006

break (the dream)

a sudden fever attack has put daruman out of the course of every day life for two days. it was his body's response to the yellow fever vaccination he received a week ago. one of several other vaccinations he has to take to be prepared for his travel plans this summer: three months in ecuador, peru and bolivia. with his beloved snowgirl, of course.
the two day break brought about a strange state of mind. to be torn away from studying, lying in bed long hours, hot with aching limbs, made daruman dream again. made him see where he once was, where he will go. a feeling of beeing afloat in the stream of time and feeling the urge to let go of everything, to just let himself be taken away.
tomorrow daruman will be attending his lectures again. a dire prospect. after only two days of absence from university life all academical aspirations seem so far away. one thing positive about the experience: daruman is no longer afraid of having to quickly get used to a completely different lifestyle when getting off that plane in quito come july. it will be just like a sudden fever attack. only it will last till september this time.
